Like many, I end the year in reflection.
What lessons has 2014 taught me?
What is my take away?
And, as always ~ I turn to this farm in my thoughts. As I know the intricacies of her 1857 walls, the stories found behind barn doors....with some certainty, I know the answers are not too very far away.
2014 taught me this:
1. We all see the world through our own lens...for better or worse, this is a fact.
2. Support can be found in many places, even in the quiet of a purr.
3. Integrity matters...period, exclamation mark.!
4. Kindness matters too ~ a lot.
5. No one is a door mat to injustice. When it knocks on your door, do not welcome it.
6. Solace replenishes my very being (as does a good antique mall).
My oldest cat, Shawnee, has lost most of his sight in the past month. He still finds his way around this big old farmhouse...up & down the stairs, into the best napping spots. He has also lost his brother of almost 16 years. I attempt to think of how this must feel for this boy of mine. I wonder if he truly knows McCoy is gone....or if he travels this house, thinking he just can't see him or find him. I am not certain. What I am certain about is that he goes on, finding his way to our by his memory. In many ways, his little kitty life is built on Hope.
The final addition to my list :
7. Hope, please.
Happy New Year!