Thursday, August 5, 2010

Who's that walking on my bridge?

Special arrival last Saturday!  Two bridges for the goat pasture...

One little Billie Goat Gruff on the bridge (Ralphie).

One little troll named Cork hiding near the Goat Cabin...look out Ralphie!

Cork the troll was painted by Jan Disch & gifted to the farm this year to keep the goats company...all animals have found him far more a protector than a threat - and I think Cork finds that quite O.K.


Jani said...

Cork would definetly like that! He's a kind troll. Thanks! You made my day!

Cheryl in Wisconsin said...

Ralphie standing on that bridge brings back a fond memory. As a kindergartner I "directed a play" Billie Goats Gruff. I chose a classmate to "act" in it, and despite the fact she says I was a bossy director, we became best friends and remain that way to this day.
The troll is fabulous.
Love the term "Goat Cabin".

Kari from Meadowview Farm said...

We are responsible to our animals -- keeping them happy is part of what we need to do. After putting up with heat & flies...least they could have are bridges to play on and a troll to keep them company.

Artful Gathering said...

I love your little bridges... so cute...

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