In 2014, my year was blessed by a gift I received just about
every week...a handmade postcard from Nan. As an artist,
Nan set a goal to create and send out a card each week.
From collage to stitchery to watercolor.....she designed &
The cards were based on seasons, events, celebrations!
Whoever was on Nan's mailing list was in for some joy!!
Each card has been so special, both in the cover design
and in the words on the stamp side. Each card reminded
me of the importance of words & sweet details.
Each week that a postcard arrived was met with surprise
and appreciation...."she thought of me....again!"
I am most certain my mail carrier came to wonder who
Nan was and how she might get on this extraordinary
mailing list too!
These postcards will be paged through & looked at
over & over. They are intentional & meaningful! They
not only came from Nan's hand...but from her heart.
And just when I thought I received my favorite one...a new
favorite one would arrive.
I find myself at some loss as to how to express my
appreciation to Nan. So, I have decided to spread
her share her kindness.
Yes, kindness matters!
And so I will count my blessings...Nan, you are most
certainly one of them!
When the final postcard arrived in December, 2014...
I cried as I held it in my hands. Tears of thanks
sometimes takes the place of words.
Thank you dear Nan!