I often think how it might be so much easier to not have all
my sweet holiday & seasonal collections...to not add & change
my home's feel multiple times a year. I think that I should pick
a number ~~ say 10, and then only have that many items for
each celebration.
And then I look about, at all my dear, sweet, charmers
that join me at different times of the year...how I would
miss them all.
So, instead I think about converting the space over our
summer kitchen into storage for all my dear hearts. This
space was once a home for hired workers on this farm...
now it is insulated and empty and closed. What if I added
open shelves and could "shop" my own vintage collection?
What if I didn't have to pack & put away. What if all my
littles simply lived in their own room at the top of the stairs,
waiting for their turn to rotate into the farm's other rooms?
Then my mom's floral teapot and adorable sugar & creamer
would have their turn. And ducks, frogs & bunnies galore
would not have a number, just a continued space in this
heart of mine. I like that idea so much better....because,
truly, in the land of Kari ~~ more is indeed more. And sweet
is sweet....and charm is charm.