Sunday, May 31, 2015

that question...


I had to actually go back and count exactly how many times
we have opened that blue door at the top of the stairs & invited folks
into our 100+ year old hayloft for a Barn Sale.  I remember thinking 
that this would be a fun adventure...and each year it grew, with a line
that awaited the opening of that door at our last sale in October of 
2013.  Never did I imagine that it would take six of us to run the sale
the first morning.  Needless to say, it surpassed all my hopes!

I would guess that you have a pretty good idea of the time it 
takes to ready for a sale.  Certainly it is a labor of love, but it 
does require time.  And between my health and now a job change, 
time is a luxury!

A week does not pass without someone kindly asking if we will again host 
a Barn Sale.  And as much as I want to answer with an enthusiastic "yes"~~
the truth is I am not sure.

This remains the place where I will share any Barn Sale updates.
Thanks for asking...and for your gracious support.


Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

When the time is right ~ You will know. But I know if you have one I'm going to try and make it. For now I'm trying to make plans to take a trip to Tomah and then to see your booth at Hixton.
Many Blessings to You!

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Kari, will see what the future holds. I would love to come to your barn sales through that blue door.Blessings Francine.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

It's so much work, but so much fun, too!

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