This is the view of our little orchard.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Christmas wishes
Several years ago I climbed through a snow drift to catch this
picture of our house in fresh snow. This will always be a magical moment...
a warm, well loved home on a snowy day ~ an embrace.
Wishing you & yours that mix of home, love & the magic of the season.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
sweet little Christmas shelf
Added to my collection of funnels & toy mixers.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Vintage Christmas
What do I adore more...sweet bottle brush trees or German Putz sheep?
Both are for sale in my case at the Hixton Antique Mall.
Charming vintage holiday!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
a few of my favorite things for the holidays
Yes, I certainly "live what I sell"!
When I go on an antiquing trip to purchase for resale, one of my questions is~~
"Would I keep it if it doesn't sell?" ~~ I have to answer "yes" to this.
You will always find these favorites (pictured above at my home) for sale
at my booth or case at the Hixton Schoolhouse Antique Mall:
~chippy little benches
~Vintage holiday
~wire works
~anything in multiples
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
savings like snowflakes
Just couldn't end the fun...20% sale in my booth at the Hixton
Schoolhouse Antique Mall through Christmas! Restocked too!
(via Pinterest)
Sunday, November 22, 2015
"Squirrel away savings" Sale
Special 30% off Sale in my booth (dealer SPY) at the Hixton Antique Mall for one week!
Now through the close of business on Saturday, November 28, 2015!
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Farmhouse Christmas
It always feels like I should wait until at least after Thanksgiving
to "Holiday up" my booth at the Hixton Antique Mall...but as I
have been out antiquing, I have found that fall feels like it is in
With tin, Ironstone, enamelware and bits of vintage holiday - it is here!
It looks full...but trust me, there is a pathway and goodies for folks to find
at every turn!
Farmhouse Christmas has arrived at Meadowview Farm!
Thursday, November 12, 2015
art should touch your soul
When I first found Jamie Heiden's art and words...I felt I had
come home, again ~ just like when we had found our farm. It was not
a surprise to find she just lived south of Augusta, I could feel western
Wisconsin in her artistry.
As I looked through her gallery
this picture took my breath away ~ titled "Our a very very very nice house"....
Art should touch your soul, should reach into your heart and should take you on a journey home.
Our 1857 home...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
From May until November, my dearest pansies show
just how strong they are! I am just a bit in awe of such
gentle strength.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015
Daisy Grace
We welcome Daisy Grace into our family & farmhouse.
Lucy Lily has accepted her from the moment she arrived last night.
They have played & played. Now there is sweet sleep.
Our thanks to the Eau Claire Humane Society.
My heart is mending...
Thursday, October 1, 2015
pardon me...
with reflection. I will gently tap friends upon the shoulder with a reminder
that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer...and remind them,
further, that early detection matters. With a tear and a smile I will blow out
two candles on my "re-birthday cake" and remember that all clear call
from my surgeon on October 18, 2013.
With some authority - I will strongly state that
no one loses a battle to cancer. There are many who face a briefer
journey -- but I am certain they were the bravest of us all.
So please say a gentle prayer for those brave & courageous
souls that walk through the valley & fear no evil. And if you
will, make a wish for a cure.
{via Pinterest}
Thursday, September 24, 2015
good bye dear Rosie
This evening I buried my three year old kitten, August Rose, in our apple orchard.
Rosie had lived a full three years...born under our chicken coop. At 8 months she had
been found with a shattered pelvic bone followed by six weeks in a carrier on our porch
as she miraculously healed. Two years ago she became a house cat...taking me through
my breast cancer journey. She lived with & then through the loss of our
two older cats, Shawnee & McCoy. This past spring she welcomed a new kitten,
Lucy Lily, into our home. She had been quite sick this past month. This morning, after
a second trip to the vet, she took her last breath at her farm...with Dave, Lucy & me at her
side. She was a cat, but she was more than that. To me, she was courage...sweet, gentle
courage. Tears for a cat, again.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
at auction
Dave & I spent this past Saturday at auction. That's me ^.
It was comfortable weather, a small crowd...and a few items worth the wait for a bid.
I was not feeling all together, so let Dave do my bidding, literally. I watched ~ lots of people, Amish, antique dealers, and some auction newbies...and the family.
I kept thinking about the chapter of a life's story I was "reading" as I sat there. Item
after item bid on, loaded, and removed from this farm. This ritual. At auction.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
for the love of Pinterest
I do adore organizing little scrapbooks of inspiration on Pinterest!
Lately I have been busy pinning to my "Celebrate Autumn" board!
Check my boards out in the right column......over there!~~~~~~>>
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Saturday, August 22, 2015
time for autumn...
I feel like I am rushing things, knowing full well that after fall comes...cold!
But every year at this time I am anxious to pull out my autumn goodies &
head over to the Hixton Schoolhouse Antique Mall. And so, today, I did!
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Gold Rush
On one weekend each year, two flea markets open their gates on the same days...
both about 20 minutes apart. And both are called Gold Rush. I believe the original began
in the small town of Oronoco, MN ~ where, literally, the whole town becomes a flea market!
The other Gold Rush is at the fair grounds in Rochester, MN.
Each year I travel to O N E day! This year, Dave & Ian joined me.
My method to this "marathon of flea markets" is to spend the morning on Friday in Oronoco.
You must get there early enough to get close parking (for trips back to the car with
vintage finds)....and you must have "fresh legs" due to the hilly walking! By noon we are done!
Then we grab a re-energizing lunch at a cool sit down restaurant...this year Newt's Burgers.
We cap off the day in Rochester, thankful for the flat terrain of this flea market & the many inside vendors to get out of the sun.
Friday was hot...93 degrees I believe! I was glad to have thrown a hand towel in my bag...
sunscreen & sweat in the eyes could not get in the way of finding vintage goodies.
We were also ever so thankful for an afternoon breeze!
We were also ever so thankful for an afternoon breeze!
My keepers:
This framed bookplate of small moths...
And, this picnic carrier...on top of the suitcase & bench to form an end table:
I also found some wonderful items that will make their way to my
antique booth in Hixton soon...getting ready to introduce small doses
of Autumn!
We had such a fun day, loved having my Ian with me. He has now been
to 4 mega-fleas with me...and he even found a few items at Gold Rush
for his place!
Counting the days to my next flea market adventure!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
I am generally pretty good at making decisions...
But, each time someone has asked me if we will be having a Barn Sale this year (2015), I would sputter out a "maybe". Then it happened on Friday. Someone asked, I began to sputter & explain.....and then out came a very clear "no".
No, there will not be a Meadowview Farm Barn Sale this year.
There are so many reasons I had held back on a clear, concise answer:
1. What if I just held a smaller sale?
2. But it is so much fun to get ready...
3. My hayloft looks so empty & lonely!
But for every reason why, the list of why not was longer.
So...there, a decision.
No Barn Sale in 2015!
Now, as for 2016~~~~I will think that through later.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
blending old & new
I love vintage!
I also love fresh fabrics...often found on my bimonthly stop at T.J. Maxx.
I love how they go peanut butter & jelly.
They bring out the best in each other.
Vintage finds lend warmth, fresh fabrics tone down the age just a bit.
Always a tad of a balance...I like to call "Fresh Vintage"!
Sweet kittens also are a farmhouse style addition!
Sunday, August 2, 2015
the art of gathering
Gathering, picking, is not always for the meek...
it can often consist of a long, hot day at an auction or flea market.
Take these burlap feed sacks as an example.
Dave & I spent a hot, sunny day at a farm auction...
trying to stay with the cadence of the auctionnaire,
attempting to follow any shade, and working to keep
our goods safe & sound. Dave actually bid on the
feedsacks that were still in the barn. I came upon him after he
had won the bid and was trying to stack & sort the huge
pile in the barn, dust kicking up everywhere-sticking to
sweat. But it was a great I jumped in with him!
We both looked like "Pigpen" from the Charlie Brown comic
when we came out for air from the barn with a huge pile
of sacks.
The next step was to get them home, shake & shake & shake
them out...then air them on our clothesline.
Batch two out of likely fifteen lines full!
Once aired, they will be priced at $5.50-$6.50 each and brought
in to my booth at the Hixton Schoolhouse Mall. They will then
go home with crafty folks that will turn them into bags & chair
upholstery or even curtains. With the popularity of Farmhouse
Style continuing to gain traction, these have become popular
finds...often just laid over a table to show off the great graphics.
Some sacks will be purchased by other dealers, knowing that
my prices are low and they can sell them even higher...and
I'm good with that.
So, from a humble barn, through our sweat equity, to you...
Sunday, July 26, 2015
sweet moments
How often I wish I could capture those times in life, put them in their
own sweet box, under their very own cloche. A morning with wrens
singing outside, kittens napping here & there, quiet except for nature,
and time for reflection. Sweet, precious moments...
Friday, July 17, 2015
ever more
This is the country road I travel from our farm to my office in Eau Claire.
I have grown to cherish the fields I pass, the barns, the woods...
I have grown to cherish the fields I pass, the barns, the woods...
They are all part of my Township of Otter Creek, and they speak
to me the quiet language of rural life. There is such a purity in their words.
Even the bales of hay repeat, "live gently on this earth".
And so soon I will sit at the table in our one room town hall, a member of a
Land Use Committee...and I will help to put the words on paper to
protect this land, to save it for farming for generations to come.
Although I arrived later in life to this countryside, I believe it had
called to me. I hope I can find the right words to protect her, to
sanctify her beauty, to keep her rural roots.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
the tale of a coyote & a mother tiger
If you look...slightly to the right of our farmhouse, right there in the driveway, you will see my Whisper Annie heading back to the barn. This was the day Matt & Caroline visited and they photographed my little 6 year old barn cat ~~ mostly because she was just so friendly. She was my oldest kitten born on our farm...outliving the 5 year average mortality rate for female barn cats (males only average several years). She was a sweet, independent girl - princess at this farm. She often spent nights on our porch, one of only two outdoor cats allowed on. We had debated bringing her in after our boy cats passed away, but knew she would fight with Rosie...and knew she would crave her freedom. So, we took our chances. Two days after this picture was taken in mid-June, she disappeared, without a trace, just gone.
But the wren knew, she chattered near the corn crib, telling us tales of alarm. Our minds traveled to so many possibilities, but in the end, we guessed it was the work of a coyote...the wren told us as much as she danced over droppings in the yard. And Tuesday, as I watered plants, again I found droppings. So coyote ~~ I venture to share that you may have met your match ~ when you mess with "my flock" ~ you mess with me. Lights were lit about the farm last night...and we also learned that coyotes dislike talk radio (of course they do-such are the analogies of life) we broadcast WPR all night from our deck. We have a new fence around our pasture and a hunting rifle at the ready.
This may have started with a whisper, but it will end with fury.
I do not have patience for such evil.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
with a Whisper
And in the quiet of a summer day, my first-born girl kitten at the farm is gone. This is
one of those extra difficult losses, because she just never came home. So we search
& call for her, we check outbuildings & treetops. Over the 6 years Annie
gifted us with her sweet ways, we knew this day would come. Such is the life of a barn cat.
Whisper are missed! May her memory be for a blessing.
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