Thursday, June 21, 2012

at dusk

I love these long is 9 p.m., and sweet daylight still beckons us. So I took these final pictures of the day - the field across from our home, my Shawnee in the window. Soon dark will fall - but for now it is dusk, the day is long...and summer is here.

Welcome summer!


Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Dawn and dusk. The two best times of the day. Your post is like a song to summer.

Cheryl in Wisconsin said...

I inspected these closely for any signs of a rogue Ralphie.

Kari from Meadowview Farm said...

Oh Cheryl....I needed that laugh so. We came into the barn Thursday, and there was Ralphie standing outside his pen with the new litter of kittens playing around his feet. He is such a dear, does not mean to be just ----- inquisitive. All the other goats just point their horns at him and say "Ralphie did it".

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